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LGVI Managing Partner/CEO Brian Koo

http://www.sina.net 2008年03月06日 11:28 新浪产权

  Dr. Brian Koo has been President & CEO of LGVI since 2003. Brian leads LGVI's investments in the software and internet sectors. Not only his experience as a management consultant and research economist, but also his background in economics and business development contributes significantly to the LGVI's knowledge base. He is currently on the Board of Directors for EC Miner, Purunet and Menupan.

  Prior to joining LGVI, he was a consultant at McKinsey & Company, where he was responsible for strategy and marketing development projects for financial and manufacturing companies. He also successfully led and advised the engagement which resulted in one of the largest M&A deals for a Korean state-owned enterprise.

  He also worked on client matters such as building web-based real estate portal services and the establishment of an Internet banking strategy.

  Prior to joining McKinsey, he had ventured for 4 years at the Korea Development Institute (KDI), a state-owned economic institute, in which he conducted projects in corporate restructuring, business insolvency and conglomerate policy.

  Brian holds a BA degree in Economics from Seoul National University and a Ph. D in Economics from Cornell University.

  LG Venture Investment Brief Info:

  -Incorporated in 1996 (paid-in capital of \30 M USD), No. of executives and staffs: 17 persons

  -Organization of 12 investment cooperatives, Total asset under management of approximately 230 M USD

  -Investment into 243 promising venture enterprises (current number of companies invested in: 52)

  Listing of 37 investment enterprises in stock market and M&A (domestic 32 companies, NASDAQ 4 companies, Singapore 1 company)

  -Acquisition of the highest rating (all “A”) for 2 years in a row, 2005 and 2006 in the evaluation of capital investment company redundant 'small and medium' by the Small and Medium Business Administrations



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X 中国产权周刊


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焦点 大限迫近 央企房地产项目集中转让
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研究 资产评估已成金融产权转让真正阻碍
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